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Saturday, March 29, 2014


Celebrating the New Release of...

A Debut Novel by RAINY KAYE
with Immortal Ink Publishing
237 Pages


Great hook for the title.  Rainy has taken this mythology for her own, revised and re-envisioned.  That is what it takes, to rise above the derivative and own what has been done before.  And yet, has this concept been done before?  I think this concept, in its incarnation, is fresh.  In a paranormal author universe of vampires, witches, and werewolves we have mostly seen time and time again, Rainy Kaye has summoned a rendition of the Djinn or GENIE that transcends cliche visuals and assumptions we typically have in our minds, for this sort of being.  Of the many paranormal concepts that I have become aware of over the last few years, SUMMONED struck me as one that is of an instantly recognizable originality.

I have not been reading indies for review, lately.  In fact, my reading, when I have had time, has been in classic genres.  I have yet to read SUMMONED but on my short-list of indie must reads, this book is definitely on my mind.  I believe Dimitri will strike his own unique paranormal accord with readers...