Ms. McPhail lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, their twin daughters, and two very large cats.
CEPHRAEL'S HAND is the award-winning first book in her series, "A Pattern of Shadow & Light."
M.M.: Thank you so much, Andre. It was a great honor to explore these thoughtful questions.
1. Would you share several societal, cultural, or "random" influences from when you were growing up, that have made you into who you essentially are today?
M.M.: It's such an interesting question to look at the experiences that we believe have defined and shaped us and try to determine if we would be different without them. My love of Fantasy started with The Chronicles of Narnia, when my grandmother read the series to me as a child. The idea that magic might be all around us, that we might find talking animals and nymphs living in the trees if we but look for them--this is what I took away most from those stories. This idea is more valuable than one might think on first glance. Our lives are only as beautiful as we conceive them to be.